Veselé Vianoce a šťastný nový rok!

Radi by sme sa poďakovali všetkým našim zákazníkom, novým aj starým, kolegom, partnerom, dodávateľom a kolegom za rušný rok 2024 a prajeme vám veselé Vianoce a šťastný nový rok!

Hörle Wire will exhibit at Elmia Subcontractor 2024 in Jönköping

Welcome to the Elmia Subcontractor Fair from November 12th to 14th, 2024!
We at Hörle Wire AB are excited to exhibit again and warmly invite you to visit us at our booth.
It will be a fantastic opportunity to meet, have inspiring conversations, and exchange valuable experiences.

Come and say hello to us at booth D01:30 – we look forward to meeting you!

The board of Hörle Wire Group has appointed Jonas Hernborg as new CEO

He began his new role on 14th October.

„I am proud and happy to present Jonas Hernborg as new CEO“, says Hörle Wire Group’s chairman of the board Stefan Jonsson. „He is a competent leader.  In his former position as CEO of Elitfönster and

in his previous background he has shown that he has a deep understanding of how to develop companies and improve solutions for customers.  I am convinced that he will be able to further develop what

Hörle Wire Group has built up and lead the group to new successes.“

Jonas Hernborg has been CEO of Inwido-owned Elitfönster for just over five years, Sweden’s leading window manufacturer. Before that, in addition to a background in management consulting, he has solid

experience from the industrial sector with various leading positions within ITAB Shop Concept, the Orkla Group and the Sapa Group (now Hydro).

„I am very happy to accept this challenge,“ says Jonas Hernborg. „Hörle Wire has a long history and we will make sure that, together with our customers, we further develop a traditional business. I am really

looking forward to developing the company and our offer to the market together with my new colleagues.“

Focused on Steel, driven by Teamwork!

Our sales team gathered in Germany for the group-wide Sales Meeting 2024 to prepare for the upcoming year.

With a clear focus on „Focused on Steel, driven by Teamwork!„, we are excited about the projects and partnerships ahead. Together, we are setting new standards!

Our team at the 10th AOK company run in Hagen!

This week, the Huesecken Wire team successfully took part in the AOK company run and completed a 7 km course around the Hengsteysee lake – with great results!
The event was excellently organised and gave us the opportunity not only to be active in sports, but also to further strengthen our team spirit.
It was a successful day full of energy and team spirit – we are already looking forward to next year!

We had a fantastic time on the Wire & Tube Fair in Düsseldorf!

With joy and pride, we can now look back on a fantastic fair in Düsseldorf. Our presence at the event was a resounding success.

During the days in Düsseldorf, we had the opportunity not only to present our solutions, but also to make valuable contacts and create new business opportunities. The visitors were enthusiastic and engaged, creating an energetic atmosphere.

Now when the fair is over, we take with us the positive energy and the valuable experiences we have gathered.

We look forward to the next event.

Wire & Tube 2024!

Hörle Wire Group will be exhibitors during Wire & Tube 15th-19th of April in Düsseldorf.
You will find us in hall 12 – booth A58.

We have a different location compared to previous years but in the same hall and near our old place, easy to find!

All companies in our group will be present and invite you to visit us during this week.

See you there!

Contact us for more information.

Merry Christmas!

Busy times in Hörle Wire Group as we enter the last weeks of 2023!

We will enter 2024 with great spirit and full of energy. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎅🤶🥂



Hörle Wire s.r.o., Slovakia can now provide our customers with „ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION“ for Zn wires! We are producing according to the national energy and climate plan (NECP). Contact us to know more!

Huesecken Wire GmbH rozširuje výrobu pre väčšiu všestrannosť!

🚀 Huesecken Wire GmbH rozširuje výrobu pre väčšiu všestrannosť! 🚀


Vážení obchodní partneri a kolegovia z odvetvia,

sme radi, že sa s vami môžeme touto cestou podeliť o vzrušujúce novinky.

Drôt spracovávame už od roku 1810. Pri diskusiách s našimi zákazníkmi sme boli opakovane požiadaní o výrobu širších rozmerov.

Reagovali sme na to a strategicky investovali do nášho strojového zariadenia. Prostredníctvom týchto investícií sme rozšírili naše výrobné kapacity a v budúcnosti budeme môcť našim zákazníkom ponúknuť ešte viac možností. Vďaka možnosti použitia hrubšieho valcovacieho drôtu v našich valcovacích linkách dnes vieme vyrobiť kvalitný plochý drôt s konečnou šírkou až 35 mm.

Táto inovácia nám umožňuje ponúknuť vám ešte širšiu škálu produktov, ktoré trh očakáva a ktoré spĺňajú vaše individuálne požiadavky a potreby.

Náš záväzok k najvyššej kvalite a inovatívnym riešeniam na mieru zostáva nezmenený. Rozšírenie našich výrobných kapacít je ďalším krokom v našom úsilí o ďalší rast spolu s našimi zákazníkmi.

Neváhajte nás kontaktovať pre viac informácií o našich nových výrobných možnostiach alebo pre prediskutovanie konkrétnych otázok. Náš tím je vám k dispozícii.