We had a fantastic time on the Wire & Tube Fair in Düsseldorf!

With joy and pride, we can now look back on a fantastic fair in Düsseldorf. Our presence at the event was a resounding success.

During the days in Düsseldorf, we had the opportunity not only to present our solutions, but also to make valuable contacts and create new business opportunities. The visitors were enthusiastic and engaged, creating an energetic atmosphere.

Now when the fair is over, we take with us the positive energy and the valuable experiences we have gathered.

We look forward to the next event.

Wire & Tube 2024!

Hörle Wire Group will be exhibitors during Wire & Tube 15th-19th of April in Düsseldorf.
You will find us in hall 12 – booth A58.

We have a different location compared to previous years but in the same hall and near our old place, easy to find!

All companies in our group will be present and invite you to visit us during this week.

See you there!

Contact us for more information.

Merry Christmas!

Busy times in Hörle Wire Group as we enter the last weeks of 2023!

We will enter 2024 with great spirit and full of energy. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎅🤶🥂



Hörle Wire s.r.o., Slovakia can now provide our customers with „ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION“ for Zn wires! We are producing according to the national energy and climate plan (NECP). Contact us to know more!

Huesecken Wire GmbH rozširuje výrobu pre väčšiu všestrannosť!

🚀 Huesecken Wire GmbH rozširuje výrobu pre väčšiu všestrannosť! 🚀


Vážení obchodní partneri a kolegovia z odvetvia,

sme radi, že sa s vami môžeme touto cestou podeliť o vzrušujúce novinky.

Drôt spracovávame už od roku 1810. Pri diskusiách s našimi zákazníkmi sme boli opakovane požiadaní o výrobu širších rozmerov.

Reagovali sme na to a strategicky investovali do nášho strojového zariadenia. Prostredníctvom týchto investícií sme rozšírili naše výrobné kapacity a v budúcnosti budeme môcť našim zákazníkom ponúknuť ešte viac možností. Vďaka možnosti použitia hrubšieho valcovacieho drôtu v našich valcovacích linkách dnes vieme vyrobiť kvalitný plochý drôt s konečnou šírkou až 35 mm.

Táto inovácia nám umožňuje ponúknuť vám ešte širšiu škálu produktov, ktoré trh očakáva a ktoré spĺňajú vaše individuálne požiadavky a potreby.

Náš záväzok k najvyššej kvalite a inovatívnym riešeniam na mieru zostáva nezmenený. Rozšírenie našich výrobných kapacít je ďalším krokom v našom úsilí o ďalší rast spolu s našimi zákazníkmi.

Neváhajte nás kontaktovať pre viac informácií o našich nových výrobných možnostiach alebo pre prediskutovanie konkrétnych otázok. Náš tím je vám k dispozícii.

The „Energy Efficiency Network Wire“ met for its kick-off event in January at Huesecken Wire GmbH in Hagen.

Host Thomas Wallau presented the development of Huesecken Wire GmbH and showed various possibilities for energy savings that the company could implement with a relatively small investment.

During the subsequent tour through the company, the participants were able to get an impression of Huesecken.

Here, the flood in July 2021 was a topic of discussion, when parts of the company were up to 180 cm under water.


študenti zo Strednej odbornej školy strojníckej a elektrotechnickej v Nitre!

  1. a 15. marca navštívili náš závod (Hörle Wire s.r.o., Nitra) študenti zo Strednej odbornej školy strojníckej a elektrotechnickej v Nitre. V našom závode si študenti mohli pozrieť a oboznámiť sa s našimi procesmi, od spracovania valcovaného drôtu cez ťahanie drôtu, pozinkovanie, až po ťahanie Zn drôtov za mokra a tiež proces prevíjania Zn drôtov podľa požiadaviek zákazníkov. Tiež si prezreli ako testujeme parametre Zn drôtov v našom laboratóriu. Tešíme sa, že sa s niektorými z nich opäť stretneme ako s našimi budúcimi zamestnancami!

Sales meeting with Hörle Wire Group in Hestraviken, Sweden!

Sales meeting with Hörle Wire Group in Hestraviken, Sweden!


Hörle Wire Group could once again gather our sales teams from our three plants after some years of pandemic and other obstacles.

We met in Hestra for a full day of discussions, strategies, synergies and good times!

We also got the opportunity to be inspired by our owner, Mr. Bengt Liljedahl who shared his experience from a long career in business. Liljedahl Group just celebrated 40 years, fantastic!

See you on the roads, fairs and hopefully in meetings at Your place during 2023.


#Hörlewiregroup #Liljedahlgroup


Huesecken Wire is „Excellent Training Company 2022“!

Huesecken Wire is „Excellent Training Company 2022“!


We are very pleased that Huesecken Wire GmbH has been awarded the title of „Excellent Training Company“ for the first time.

The certification is based on an anonymous survey of the current trainees as well as on the current key training performance indicators.

With a rate of just under 85%, we are clearly above average. This result makes us very proud and encourages us on our way to train qualified junior staff in our own company. In addition, we were able to identify potential for improvement through the survey, which means that training at Huesecken can be further optimised.


In this way, years of experience can be passed on to the new generations and Huesecken Wire GmbH can continue to produce cold-rolled flat wires of the highest quality in the future to support customers as a reliable partner.

Christmas Greeting!

Hörle Wire Group would like to thank our customers, suppliers, partners and colleagues for a great year!

This year has brought lots of challenges but also possibilities, we now can look forward to 2023 together.


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!