New Sales Manager at Hörle Wire AB!
Christian Thederan is taking over as Sales Manager at the Swedish Unit of Hörle Wire. Christian comes from Häfele SE & Co KG, where he has been responsible for the Swedish and Norwegian sales plants.
Christian Thederan has extensive experience of operating and developing sales, both in roles as Marketing- and Sales manager and as MD and Vice MD within sales companies.
The investment in hiring a sales manager is part of Hörle’s growth strategy. Christian Thederan has the experience and knowledge we need and he will be an important support in our sales approach, says Anders Andersson, CEO of Hörle Wire Group.
We warmly welcome Christian Thederan within the Hörle Wire Group.
For further information contact:
Christian Thederan
Phone: +46 370 204 40
Mobile: +46 70 876 51 77
Hörle Wire AB Box 546, 331 25 Värnamo, Sweden