Christmas Greeting!

Hörle Wire Group would like to thank our customers, suppliers, partners and colleagues for a great year!

This year has brought lots of challenges but also possibilities, we now can look forward to 2023 together.


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Three 25th anniversaries at Huesecken Wire GmbH!

In 2022, three colleagues at Huesecken Wire GmbH in Germany celebrated their 25th anniversary of their employment.

During the traditional joint Christmas dinner, Managing Director Thomas Wallau and Plant Manager Frank Hill presented the three jubilarians with their certificates.

Congratulations from the entire Hörle Wire Group, it’s great to have you with us!


On the picture from left to right: Thomas Wallau (Managing Director), Alexander Zich (Production), Adam Eichmann (Production), Christian Nockemann (Dispatch), Frank Hill (Head of Production)

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!


For the fourth time in a row, and the fifth time in six years, Huesecken Wire has been awarded Supplier of the Year 2021 in the product category “oscillated coils” by the SIEGENIA GROUP, one of the leading European window hardware manufacturers.

We are very pleased to receive this award.

It honours the entire Huesecken team, especially for the achievements in the flood year 2021.

Furthermore, it encourages us in our service-oriented approach to satisfy customers through high quality and reliability.

Huesecken Wire reconstruction after the flood disaster!

After the flood in July 2021 caused significant damage to the facilities and the entire factory site as well as to the regional infrastructure, the repairs and rehabilitation measures were successfully implemented to a large extent. Flat wire production could already be partially resumed in September. Currently, about 90 % of the original capacity can be used. Depending on the situation on the spare parts market, we are optimistic that we will be able to restart the last plants by the end of the summer months.

Construction in the outdoor area is also progressing. Last week, a company logo made of metal and flat wire was erected in the inner courtyard of Plant II. As part of the corporate identity of the Hörle Wire Group, the recognition value of the brand is increased and the group awareness is strengthened. The work was carried out by the artist Marcel Walldorf, who has already used Huesecken material for his works in the past. In 2019, for example, he created a highlight at the IAA in Frankfurt with a Cupra logo modelled from Huesecken flat wire.

Wire & Tube 20th – 24th June 2022 in Düsseldorf

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


We would like to invite you to visit us at the next Wire & Tube at our booth,


Hall 12 – Booth A 43


After the trade fair had to be cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, we will be back again this year at our usual place for the world-famous fair Wire & Tube in Düsseldorf. Huesecken Wire GmbH presents itself again “back on track” after the flood disaster in July 2021. All companies of our group, Hörle Wire AB, Hörle Wire s.r.o. and Huesecken Wire GmbH, will welcome you at our booth.


With pleasure we will provide you with an entrance ticket. Please contact us to organise this.


We are looking forward to your visit in Düsseldorf.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Hörle Wire Group!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year we wish to all of you!
We would also like to thank all customers, suppliers and everyone else for the year of 2021.
Let`s now relax during the Holidays and return with new spirit for 2022!

/Hörle Wire Team

Elmia Subcontractor 9. -12. November 2021!

Meet us during Elmia Subcontractor 9-12 November 2021!

Standnumber: D01:30

Hope to see you there!

New Sales Manager at Hörle Wire AB!

Christian Thederan is taking over as Sales Manager at the Swedish Unit of Hörle Wire. Christian comes from Häfele SE & Co KG, where he has been responsible for the Swedish and Norwegian sales plants.

Christian Thederan has extensive experience of operating and developing sales, both in roles as Marketing- and Sales manager and as MD and Vice MD within sales companies.

The investment in hiring a sales manager is part of Hörle’s growth strategy. Christian Thederan has the experience and knowledge we need and he will be an important support in our sales approach, says Anders Andersson, CEO of Hörle Wire Group.

We warmly welcome Christian Thederan within the Hörle Wire Group.

For further information contact:

Christian Thederan

Phone: +46 370 204 40

Mobile: +46 70 876 51 77
Hörle Wire AB Box 546, 331 25 Värnamo, Sweden

Huesecken Wire takes first steps towards “paperless office” and supports Plant for the Planet!

Huesecken Wire GmbH is aware of its social responsibility as a company and wants to live up to it. For this reason, a number of steps have already been taken in the past to better position the site in Hohenlimburg in terms of sustainability and to efficiently follow ecological goals in addition to social and economic interests.

In addition to a holistic energy management system, which is certified according to DIN EN 50001, and the purchase of a natural gas-powered car for trips between the plants, further changes are now to be made in the administrative area. The goal is to enable a “paperless office” in the long term. To this end, some measures have already been implemented internally and further projects are in the planning phase. The approaches pursued here relate to electronic notes, the development of a digital document workflow and the planning of an EDI connection for customers and suppliers. Important documents for which a printout cannot be avoided are printed on both sides. This has already led to a considerable reduction in the amount of paper used in administration.

For further savings, the business partners of Huesecken Wire GmbH were contacted in December 2020 with the request to communicate the corresponding e-mail addresses to Huesecken for the electronic receipt of regularly occurring documents such as invoices or test certificates. Positive response, willingness to support and rapid feedback from customers and suppliers ensured that a large part of the document exchange could be converted to digital dispatch and receipt. The costs for postage, letterheads, envelopes, etc. saved by the conversions are used to support the “Plant-for-the-Planet” foundation

Wire and tube 2020 information

Due to the current development of COVID-19, the Hörle Wire Group has decided not to participate in the Wire & Tube 2020 trade fair this year for security reasons.

Against the background of the continuing health risk, we would like to distance ourselves from participating in an international trade fair, both as an exhibitor and as a guest.

We hope that you will understand our decision and look forward to welcoming you again personally at our stand in Düsseldorf in 2022.

Voucher codes already sent have unfortunately lost their validity and can therefore not be used as admission tickets.

Until then, all the best and stay healthy.


Aufgrund der derzeitigen Entwicklung von COVID-19, hat sich die Hörle Wire Group aus Sicherheitsaspekten dafür entschieden, dieses Jahr nicht an der Messe Wire & Tube 2020 teilzunehmen.

Vor dem Hintergrund des anhaltenden Gesundheitsrisikos, möchten wir von unserer Teilnahme an einer Internationalen Fachmesse, sowohl als Aussteller als auch als Gast, Abstand nehmen.

Wir hoffen, dass Sie Verständnis für unsere Entscheidung finden und freuen uns Sie im Jahr 2022 wieder persönlich an unserem Messestand in Düsseldorf begrüßen zu dürfen.

Bereits zugesandte  Gutscheincodes haben leider ihre Gültigkeit verloren und können somit nicht als Eintrittskarte genutzt werden.

Bis dahin alles Gute und bleiben Sie gesund.


Hörle Wire Group