Inlägg av Horle_Wire

Huesecken Wire is ”Excellent Training Company 2022”!

Huesecken Wire is ”Excellent Training Company 2022”!   We are very pleased that Huesecken Wire GmbH has been awarded the title of ”Excellent Training Company” for the first time. The certification is based on an anonymous survey of the current trainees as well as on the current key training performance indicators. With a rate of …

Julhälsning från Hörle Wire Group!

Hörle Wire Group vill tacka all kunder, leverantörer, partners och medarbetare för 2022! 2022 har varit ett år som bjudit på många utmaningar men också flera möjligheter. Nu ser vi fram emot 2023 tillsammans!   Vi önskar er alla en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År!

25-årsjubilarer hos Huesecken Wire GmbH!

År 2022 firar vi tre stycken 25-årsjubilarer hos Huesecken Wire GmbH! Under den årliga jullunchen så firades jubilarerna och mottog sina certifikat för trogen tjänst. Stort grattis å hela Hörle Wire Groups vägnar, en ynnest att få ha er med i företagets fortsatta resa!   Bild från vänster till höger: Thomas Wallau (VD), Alexander Zich …

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!   For the fourth time in a row, and the fifth time in six years, Huesecken Wire has been awarded Supplier of the Year 2021 in the product category ”oscillated coils” by the SIEGENIA GROUP, one of the leading European window hardware manufacturers. We are very pleased …

Liljedahl Group fyller 40 år!

Liljedahl Group fyller 40 år! Kom och fira med oss på Finnvedsvallen, gratis inträde för alla. Se till att gå in och säkra din biljett på Hoppas vi ses!  

Nytt reportage om Hörle Wire i Gnosjöregionen!

Nytt reportage om Hörle Wire i Gnosjöregionen! Klicka dig vidare genom länken nedan,

Elmia Subcontractor 2022!

15-17th of November it’s time again for Elmia Subcontractor! Less days than previous years but hopefully more intense, lets’s meet!

Wire & Tube 2022!

We would like to say thanks to all visitors during Wire & Tube in Dusseldorf last week. Thank you for making the fair a success! 🙂 #Hörlewiregroup #Wireandtube2022  

Huesecken Wire reconstruction after the flood disaster!

After the flood in July 2021 caused significant damage to the facilities and the entire factory site as well as to the regional infrastructure, the repairs and rehabilitation measures were successfully implemented to a large extent. Flat wire production could already be partially resumed in September. Currently, about 90 % of the original capacity can …

Wire & Tube 20th – 24th June 2022 in Düsseldorf

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,   We would like to invite you to visit us at the next Wire & Tube at our booth,   Hall 12 – Booth A 43   After the trade fair had to be cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, we will be back again this year at our usual …