🚀  Huesecken Wire GmbH, en del av Hörle Wire Group utökar sin produktportfölj! 🚀


Vi kan med glädje informera om följande,

Huesecken Wire GmbH har processat tråd sedan 1810. I diskussion med våra kunder har vi frekvent mött stor efterfrågan för att bredda vårt sortiment.

För att möta efterfrågan har vi nu strategiskt investerat i ny maskinutrustning.

Genom denna investering har vi nu utökat vår kapacitet i produktion och kan erbjuda en större mängd produkter.

Tack vare möjligheten att nu kunna processa grövre valstråd så har vi möjlighet att producera förstklassig plattvalsad tråd upp till 35mm i bredd!

Vårt löfte om hög kvalité, innovativa och skräddarsydda lösningar står fast.

Denna expansion av produktportfölj tar oss ett viktigt steg framåt i vår strävan att växa tillsammans med våra kunder.

Kontakta oss gärna för mer information, vårt team står redo för dig!

Hörle Wire s.r.o. receives Carbon Footprint Certificate

We are happy to announce that Hörle Wire s.r.o. has received the Carbon Footprint Certificate! This verification reflects our tireless commitment to environmental sustainability and underlines our position as a responsible company. A corresponding certificate was also issued for Huesecken Wire GmbH in 2022 for the third year in a row. By issuing the Carbon Footprint Certificate, we have successfully quantified our carbon emissions and taken important steps to reduce our environmental impact. This achievement is a proof of the collective efforts of our dedicated team who have implemented sustainable practices throughout our operations. With our pursuit of innovation and sustainability, we are making significant strides towards Green Steel in the areas of bright wire, flat wire and galvanized wire.

Summer greeting!

Today is our last working day before our vacation here in Hörle Wire AB, Sweden.
We will be closed for 4 weeks (28-31), back again in week 32.

Hörle Wire Group wishes you all a great summer! 🌞



The ”Energy Efficiency Network Wire” met for its kick-off event in January at Huesecken Wire GmbH in Hagen.

The ”Energy Efficiency Network Wire” met for its kick-off event in January at Huesecken Wire GmbH in Hagen.

Host Thomas Wallau presented the development of Huesecken Wire GmbH and showed various possibilities for energy savings that the company could implement with a relatively small investment.

During the subsequent tour through the company, the participants were able to get an impression of Huesecken.

Here, the flood in July 2021 was a topic of discussion, when parts of the company were up to 180 cm under water.



Students visiting Hörle Wire s.r.o

On 14th and 15th of March students from Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in Nitra visited our plant (Hörle Wire s.r.o., Nitra). In our facility the students can see and learn about our processes, starting from wire rod processing and drawing, via galvanzing, wet drawing and re-spooling process. They also got the opportunity to check parameters in our laboratory. We are looking forward to meet some of them again as future employees!

Sales meeting with Hörle Wire Group in Hestraviken, Sweden!

Sales meeting with Hörle Wire Group in Hestraviken, Sweden!

Hörle Wire Group could once again gather our sales teams from Sweden, Germany and Slovakia after some years of pandemic and other obstacles.
We met in Hestra for a full day of discussions, strategies, synergies and good times!
We also got the opportunity to be inspired by our owner, Mr. Bengt Liljedahl who shared his experience from a long career in business. Liljedahl Group just celebrated 40 years, fantastic!
See you on the roads, fairs and hopefully in meetings at Your place during 2023.

#Hörlewiregroup #Liljedahlgroup

Huesecken Wire is ”Excellent Training Company 2022”!

Huesecken Wire is ”Excellent Training Company 2022”!


We are very pleased that Huesecken Wire GmbH has been awarded the title of ”Excellent Training Company” for the first time.

The certification is based on an anonymous survey of the current trainees as well as on the current key training performance indicators.

With a rate of just under 85%, we are clearly above average. This result makes us very proud and encourages us on our way to train qualified junior staff in our own company. In addition, we were able to identify potential for improvement through the survey, which means that training at Huesecken can be further optimised.


In this way, years of experience can be passed on to the new generations and Huesecken Wire GmbH can continue to produce cold-rolled flat wires of the highest quality in the future to support customers as a reliable partner.

Julhälsning från Hörle Wire Group!

Hörle Wire Group vill tacka all kunder, leverantörer, partners och medarbetare för 2022!

2022 har varit ett år som bjudit på många utmaningar men också flera möjligheter. Nu ser vi fram emot 2023 tillsammans!


Vi önskar er alla en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År!

25-årsjubilarer hos Huesecken Wire GmbH!

År 2022 firar vi tre stycken 25-årsjubilarer hos Huesecken Wire GmbH!

Under den årliga jullunchen så firades jubilarerna och mottog sina certifikat för trogen tjänst.

Stort grattis å hela Hörle Wire Groups vägnar, en ynnest att få ha er med i företagets fortsatta resa!


Bild från vänster till höger: Thomas Wallau (VD), Alexander Zich (produktion), Adam Eichmann (produktion), Christian Nockemann (Logistik), Frank Hill (produktionschef)

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!

Huesecken Wire once again Supplier of the Year!


For the fourth time in a row, and the fifth time in six years, Huesecken Wire has been awarded Supplier of the Year 2021 in the product category ”oscillated coils” by the SIEGENIA GROUP, one of the leading European window hardware manufacturers.

We are very pleased to receive this award.

It honours the entire Huesecken team, especially for the achievements in the flood year 2021.

Furthermore, it encourages us in our service-oriented approach to satisfy customers through high quality and reliability.